3.2.3-r3903 - 2024-12-19

About Mondo Rescue

What is Mondo Rescue ?

Mondo is reliable. It backs up your GNU/Linux server or workstation to tape, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R[W], DVD+R[W], NFS or hard disk partition. In the event of catastrophic data loss, you will be able to restore all of your data [or as much as you want], from bare metal if necessary. Mondo is in use by Lockheed-Martin, Nortel Networks, Siemens, HP, IBM, NASA's JPL, the US Dept of Agriculture, dozens of smaller companies, and tens of thousands of users.

Mondo is comprehensive. Mondo supports LVM 1/2, RAID, ext2, ext3, ext4, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS, VFAT, and can support additional filesystems easily: just e-mail the mailing list with your request. It supports software raid as well as most hardware raid controllers. It supports adjustments in disk geometry, including migration from non-RAID to RAID. It supports BIOS and UEFI boot modes. Mondo runs on all major Linux distributions (Fedora, RHEL, OpenSUSE, SLES, Mageia, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo) and is getting better all the time. You may even use it to backup non-Linux partitions, such as NTFS.

Mondo is free! It has been published under the GPL v2 (GNU Public License), partly to expose it to thousands of potential beta-testers but mostly as a contribution to the Linux community.

Mondo Rescue References

Here are some external references to Mondo. [PCQuest] [TechRepublic] [HP] [SSC] [HP again] [SFFTech] [SuSE] [Uninet.edu] [Linux Journal] [LJ again] [and again] [CCP14]

We also have freshmeat, FSF, IDABC entries.

Who is behind Mondo Rescue ?

Who is in the Mondo Devteam?

Bruno Cornec
lead development, maintenance, documentation, web site, rpm packaging, Mandriva packaging

Andree Leidenfrost
co-development, maintenance, Official Debian packager

Victor Gattegno
Mailing list support, contributor

Didier Diaz
Mailing list support, contributor

Michael Shapiro
Code contributor

Lester Wade
Documentation contributor

Lars Rupp
Offical SuSE packager

Who has been behind Mondo Rescue ?

Who has been in the Mondo Devteam?

Hugo Rabson
original author: whithout Hugo you won't have any project today.

Stan Benoit
original beta testing; bugfixes

Héctor García Álvarez
original Debian release guru

Joshua Oreman
original FreeBSD port

Michael Clark
original PDF docs

Jesse Keating
original RPM packaging

Mikael Hultgren, Michael Clark, Scott Godin
major contributors

Mike Roark
Contributor SuSE packager

Artwork of this site

"I think I've already seen your look and feel somewhere"

Graphics made by Alexis Younes (Ayo73) and Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie

These 2 incredible guys have accepted to let us reuse the design they made for the not less incredible game Frozen Bubble. Many thanks guys ! Just hope Mondo Rescue will help you some days as much as I played to frozen bubble myself :-)

Don't miss Ayo's site at 73lab.com as it provides all his artworks, some of them reusable.

The Mondo Rescue Community

There are dozens of regular contributors and over 400 members of the mailing list. The user base is estimated at between 50,000 and 100,000.

A lot of people have helped the Mondo Rescue project during time. You really deserve that "Thank you" page.

If you're not listed here and you think you should be, please contact us and don't be embarrassed about it: if you have contributed, your name should be here.


These people helped financially the development of Mondo Rescue:

Charles Acker, Tim Allen, Poe Chen (Flometrics), Cube Consulting Technology Group, Ali-Reza Anghaie, Ugo Bellavance, John Blauveltt, Joe Baker, R. E. Baker, Stan Benoit, Fred Beondo, Bryan Bilyeu, J.R. Black, Perry Blalock, Michael Bockelie, Thomas Boilard, Dmitri Bosiers, Matthew Brett, Jocelyn Brouillard, Christopher Bryant, Benedikt Carda, Bruce Carlson, Bill Catlan, Paul Cheshire, JT Chiodi, Matthew Cline, Michael Cocke, William Codington, Herve Collin, Bob Collins, Anthony A. Cooke, Joe Cooper, Joop Cousteau, Sam Cramer, Lachlan Cranswick, Roy Cromartie, John Croson, Graham Currie, DaveD, Richard Damian, Andrew Davidson, Hakan Dedorsson, Randy Delfs, Shekhar Dhotre, Daniel Dickinson, Lloyd Dieter, David Disser, Warren Dodge, David Donovan, Nelson Doucet, Neil Dunbar, John Duinkerken, Rolf Eichenseher, Don Erickson, Lukas Efler, Rodolfo Estrada, Scott Farwell, Larry Finger, Santiago Flores, Michael Francis, David Franklin, Doreen Friesen, Andreas Gartner, Brian Goodyear, Todd Gould, Robert Granger, Bruce Griffis, Scott Grimes, David Grubb, Carrie Hallquist, Steve Haworth, Douglas Heady, Stefan U Hegner, Greg Henderson, Karlheinz Herrmann, Hewlett-Packard, Robert Hieger, Robert F. Hill, John Holbrook, HP Intel Solution Center, John Huttley, Paul Isaacs, Maurice Janssen, William Jennings, Ted Kaczmarek, Merwan Kashouty, Jesse Keating, Roy Kimbrell, Thomas Klettke, Barry Kline, Herman Knief, Edward Konz, Aaron Kulbe, Andrew Latham, Robert E. Laughlin, Scott Leerssen, Andree Leidenfrost, Mark Lindsay, David Looney, Scott Mace, Jonathan Manning, Andrew McDade, Norrie McKinley, Shannon McMurtrey, Sasha Mitelman, Bruce Martin, Chris Mason, Roy McBroom, Brian Moore, Dellae McKenzie, Douglas McIntosh, George McQuade, TJ Meadows, Bill Mixter, Mark Jed Murphy, Mark Newman, Mark Nienberg, Zina Nieuwland, James Ots, Bill Ott, Fergus O'Rorke, Danny Patel, Sean McPherson, Benjamin Merembeck, Sasha Mitelman, Danny Patel, Andreas Pirrung, Randall Potvin, Frank Precissi, David Price, Robert Ragosta, Scott Redford, Kevin Rennert, James Richard, Eric Roark, Seth Rothberg, Daniel Sabo, Dan Sanderson, Anatole Sarko, Mark Schmidt, Knut Schneider, Neil Schneider, Efren Seldura, Michael Sestak, Michael Shehan, David Schaub, Edward Sheldrake, Rei Shinozuka, Thomas Simmons, Bradley Sims, Eric Sixt, Andreas Söchtig, SolarPC, Jeffrey Sofferin, Squeegy, Stephen Squier, Marius Steurer, Neil Stevens, Hal Thompson, Louis Townsend, Dale Tronrud, Pinhas Tsruya, Derek Verbeeck, Dean Wadsworth, Jason Ware, Wynja Web, Benjamin Weiss, Roger West, J. Whitacre, Glenn Williams, Bob Wooden, David Wilson, David Wrisley, Gregory Yasko, Chris Young, Tobias Zetterkvist, Zuehike Engineering AG.


These people helped technically the development of Mondo Rescue:

Fayrouz Abdelkhalek, AlfOS, Alphaome, Héctor García Álvarez, Erik Andersen, Dagfinn Bakken, Sergio Javier Belkin, Stan "Troff" Benoit, Eric Boo, Fran Boon, Braindead, Frédéric Brin, Alex Butcher, Cafeole, Rick Calder, Dean Carpenter, Michael "Miark" Clark, Gene Cooper, Joe Cooper, Bruno Cornec, Joop Cousteau, Rhys Cuff, Conor Daly, Bill Davidsen, Mike Davis, Phillip Deackes, Randy Delfs, Aaron Digulla, Krzysztof Dubowitz, Dave Ellis, Fred Feirtag, Johannes Franken, Charles Galpin, Stuart D. Gathman, Andrew Glass, Daniel Grandjean, Dave Granz, Ralph Grewe, Mark Hannah, Ole Hanson, Chad Harrelson, John Harrison, Lee Harvey, Bradley Hartin, Rick Haskin, David Hess, Robert W. Holder, Mikael Hultgren, John Huttley, Jesse "KP" Keating, Donald Kerns, David Kim, Andreas Kotowicz, Maciej Kulasa, Charly Kühnast, Fabrice Laborie, Andree, Leidenfrost, Jan-Eric Lindh, Gary Lowder, John Mann, Markus Markert, Markus Marquardt, Jean-David Marrow, Marshall McMullen, Roger Merchberger, Benjamin Mickens, Jeff Miller, Michael Moellney, Eberhard Moenkeberg, Andreas Mohr, Jason Murray, Philippe de Muyler, Matija Nalis, Doug Nordwall, Kosaku Nagasaka, Marcus Oberhumer, Joshua Oreman, Jay Osborne, Packetknife and co., Paolo, Michael Ralph Pape, Frank Petzold, Steve Pitts, Dave Polniak, John Price, Terry Pritchard, Avatar Roadkill, Tobias Reckhard, Mike Roark, Petre Scheie, Heiko Schlittermann, Roger Schmeits, Jochen Schmitt, Doc Shepler, Chris Siebenmann, Harold Sinclair, Øystein Skadsem, Adam Sleight, Bryan Smith, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom, Sergey Sokolov, Suzhe & Lonius, Steve Swantz, Christian Titulaer, TLC, Tom (Consultant), Nick Uniatowski, UnSpawn, Jeroen Van Pelt, Ronald Verlaan, Bruno Vidal, Carlos Vidal, Webdragon, Art Wells, Joachim Wickman, Stephan Zegherd,

The Mondo Rescue Coopetitors

Mondo Rescue was first created because there was nothing like it available at that time under a free license. Nowadays, Mondo Rescue is not the only good, free disaster recovery solution for Linux. You may wish to try ReaR. Another tool is Clonezilla.

Comments? Suggestions? Click here